But we are all like an unclean thing,
And all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags;
We all fade as a leaf,
And our iniquities, like the wind,
Have taken us away.
Isaiah 64:6Do you understand this is how God sees our best works and good deeds?
Our best efforts are still infected with sin. Our only hope, therefore is faith in Jesus Christ who can cleanse us and bring us into God's presence.
This passage can easily be misunderstood. It does not mean that God will reject us if we come to him in faith, nor that he despises our efforts to please him. It means that if we come to him demanding acceptance on the basis of our ';good'; conduct, God will point out that our righteousness is but filthy rags compared to his infinite righteousness.Do you understand this is how God sees our best works and good deeds?
Yup. I realize I deserve eternal damnation. So now, the question is, how do I get out of what I deserve? I'm a weasel who's in favor of justice only when it's applied to others.
I think there needs to be a better explanation as to why God sees it that way. God sees that our good deeds are all for our own glory. It is really self centered but pretending to be other centered and so it's inherently dishonest.
so tell them the GOOD news.
we all fall short.
you need to realize the illness
before you can understand you need a cure.
Christ came not to condemn.....
Yes, in order to get clean, we must repent, to regenerate, to reinstate the state of Grace, Holiness, Righteousness through Christ Jesus, as often as needed, whenever and whereever we can build an altar. The world will bombard us with distractions to keep us away from repenting, so we must make prayer life a priority, so that we may go through the fire of repentence, circumsizing the heart of unconfessed sin, ... to being in His presence, in His Throne Room, in His Glory! We must not waiver nor give up in weariness, but press on toward the prize which is eternal life with the Lord God Almighty!
The works of the cross is all that maters, Jesus did it all, but if our heart is in line with our Lord's, we will not let others suffer without trying to do what is right.
Yes I understand that. He also said:
Isaiah 1:18
';Come now, let us reason together,'; says the LORD. ';Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. People once had to offer a sacrifice to God to erase sins and Jesus came and did it once and for all (became the perfect sacrifice) all of this was to help us RECEIVE God's love and forgiveness because he knows it's our nature as humans to struggle with unbelief. The sacrifices were never for God but a gift to us to help us receive his love and forgiveness for failing him. God is love.
I beg to disagree. That is how you understand it, and I can't understand you.
Wow, your God's a difficult and petty @$$hole who's impossible to please, huh?
Come to think of it, that's probably why my most difficult, petty, impossible to please relatives worship God and witness the way you're doing right now.
taken out of context, of course. as the entire chapter discusses, when we are in sin, this is how God sees our fake good works and deeds.
God doesn't care how many homeless you feed, He looks to see your heart about the homeless. you don't get brownie points with Him by the things you do...His love isn't something you can buy...
you need to meet with someone who has a deeper knowledge of the bible. when you spew your ignorance like this, it tarnishes the true message of the cross...
Yes--it is all about Jesus and what He did for us all. I can never work myself to heaven. I would rather be a Mary than a Martha.
Hello Need a new start! I hope you are reading some of the answers here especially from people like chieko. You have a good knowledge of much of the bible but you focus only on one message. You focus on judgment and sin and seem to ignore all the other many wonderful things God has to offer you and others. Jesus spent much more time talking about love and how we should treat others and how we should be forgiving and help the poor than he did on the things you constantly talk about. This makes your faith shallow and it turns others off to a great religion. It is important that we realize that we are imperfect and that we make mistakes and must learn from them and ask for forgiveness -not only from God but from each other. But God also gives us lots of other gifts like nature and reason. We can have full lives and in our lives we can find relief from our heavy burdens if we practice love and also focus on the actual teachings of Jesus. It is my hope that you can develop a fuller and more meaningful faith and that you will find peace and encounter love.
I remember you asking questions about your sexuality a while back~ you claimed to be gay~ how does your god like that?
Are you the unclean filthy rag you are refering to?
You really need to just acept yourself and quit trying to be something your not to please a man made god from a book of horror stories!
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