Friday, December 11, 2009

How do I work this problem x+10= -6?

I have to work the problem out finding xHow do I work this problem x+10= -6?
x+10= -6

subtract 10 from both sides, we'll have,

x + 10 -10 = -6 -10

x = -16How do I work this problem x+10= -6?

Since 10 does not contain the variable to solve for, move it to the right-hand side of the equation by subtracting 10 from both sides.


Subtract 6 from -10 to get -16.

First, you subtract 10 from both sides.

x +10=-6

-10 -10


x = -16

then you're done!
First subtract both sides by 10


Solve for x


If you want to check if x=-16 is the correct answer plug it in to your x in your given equation x+10=-6 like this:



-6=-6 Correct (Since both sides of the equation is equal the answer x=-16 is the correct answer)

Hope that helps!
add -10 to both sides

so the 10s on the left side cancel out and x=-6+-10

so x=-16

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