Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Religion:Would this work in your daily life?

It takes strength to be firm.

It takes courage to be gentle.

It takes strength to stand guard.

It takes courage to let down your guard.

It takes strength to conquer

It takes courage to surrender.

It takes strength to be certain.

It takes courage to have doubt.

It takes strength to fit in.

It takes courage to stand out.

It takes strength to feel a friend's pain.

It takes courage to feel your own pain.

It takes strength to hide feelings.

It takes courage to show them.

It takes strength to endure abuse.

It takes courage to stop it.

It takes strength to stand alone.

It takes courage to lean on another.

It takes strength to love.

It takes courage to be loved.

It takes strength to survive.

It takes courage to live.

Author UnknownReligion:Would this work in your daily life?
Courage is derived from love! Love gives us the ability to be brave...WE know that in courage there are two faces...for these exist in both war and you well know! (hugs). From these two kinds of courage arise harm an benefit! One can be full of courage, but gentle and this one spares life...and is usually done in times of peace, though even in war ...this can happen. Then the other kind of courage at times must make a stand , with audacity, and this sometimes involves killing!

Courage and Fortitude, as is , are measured with prudence , justice and temperance.

Most often Jimi, Courage is called to rise in us when we come to some pivotal moment in our lives...and this is what a person must have when he/she must face a particular difficultly. Courage is a gift! It rises from our will, and it's Ascension is marked with bravery, and this virtue causes us to confront our enemies within and without... Fear, pain, risk/danger. uncertainty, and even intimidation! There is ';Physical, Moral, and even Spiritual courage!';

\When we need to call upon the voice of courage we must also call upon the voice of Wisdom to direct our paths, and to even cut the path for us if need be! for Wisdom's' voice will give us the quality of mind which enables us to face our dangers, with self composure, confidence and resolution....and the resulting bravery it takes to be as good as it gets!

The Spirit of Courage has saved many, and given those who it has called a braveness of character to rise above....the nerve or spunk ...have it as you may...I love how you have chosen to go between courage and strength here in the choice of your words...and I add the third thread of form that rope which becomes unbreakable! All three will straighten our paths! Giving us the unbreakable bond...

And I thank the man who has been a courageous soldier ...who has tended his flock..The shepherd who at times fights off the wolves on behalf of the sheep!Religion:Would this work in your daily life?

';Would this work in your daily life?';

Definitely not.

I am as free as it is possible to be and I like it that way.

I am an a-theist cos I went thought an investigative process and came to the obvious conclusion there are NO invisible sky chappies hiding behind cloudies waiting for me to do something wrong so they can swoop down and graaab me and put me into one of their cooking pots or some other ludicrous threat.

The very thought of it makes me chuckle; it's nothing but superstitious nonsense designed to scare and or control peasants and small children.

It takes strength and courage to fight the good fight, in faith, and face the world, every day.

Yes to all of the above.

I can do all things through Messiah Y'shua who strengthens me.
Thanks jimi for revealing this.

I never realised but life is smooth and fine.

Hope it works in me.
It takes courage to have faith.
Sure, I guess.
I like that Jimi!!!
stop smoking weed dude

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