Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to secure Ron Paul Presidency; do you think this will work?

Thanks: Aaron Russo's America: Freedom To Fascism

Freedom Fighters,

To those of you in the political know, then you're astute to the fact that John McCain, in having superseded the legal spending limit permissible under Federal Law to presidential candidates on the campaign trail, has committed a crime that abrogates his electability...

In a corrupt government that routinely ignores Constitutional edict, you can rest assured that just as they'll neglect their imperatives to uphold and enforce the Constitution, they'll do precisely the same regarding the enforcement of those statutes that limit spending limits...

This is how we win: since the government refuses to enforce it's own principles, it's up to We The People -- which includes You The Reader -- to enforce these laws...

How?How to secure Ron Paul Presidency; do you think this will work?
You lost man. Accept it.How to secure Ron Paul Presidency; do you think this will work?
This is a great idea, but our country has fallen so far that the law enforcement has ignored this. Money is the ticket to the presidency now. Money buys power. This will be the downfall of the US in the near future. Either you accept it and buy into the system, or you stand and fight for your individual liberties.

Ron Paul is right for America, and never will I vote for any other candidate except a true libertarian. The government has no business running my life.

Ron Paul in 08!
got numbers? how about for the dems? if Mr. McCain has overspent, what's up with the democrats? they MUST have also, right?

you have my attention...........

EDIT:no response, eh? so just go in there with conjecture and assumptions then?
Who the hell is ron paul?
Honestly don't you think you are a little nucking futs? I really dont feel like going to the cops with this and getting a little night stick lovin as my reward.
you need to put down the crack pipe,and seek medical attention.ron paul is a complete idiot
I would much rather see Ron Paul in there than any one that's in the top 3 now. Which is really sad because after living in Arizona for 26 years I loved John McCain. His most recent stances on certain issues has me wondering what the heck he could be thinking.
You're right. If a republican should win, it should be one that supports the Constitution. I'm amazed at the McCain supporters who don't even care about his support for the anti-Constitutional Patriot Act.
Wake up guy! We the people, will perpetuate the oligarchy as dictated by the media. Outsiders, who may be capable of making our country better, are not allowed.
It probably would work, but than democrats would win White House.
No, Ron Paul will never be president...sorry....
Ah...the will of the people isn't good enough for you? You have to resort to tricks and underhanded politics to get your nomination?

Are you SURE you're not a democrat?
Ron Paul? Get real. He lost. I would never vote for him.
Ron Paul - another isolationist irrelevancy of the GOP.

President-Elect Obama, better start getting used to that sound.
Ron Paul? is he still around? lol you are joking I hope

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