Thursday, June 24, 2010

Does it look like the Fear and Scare Tactics is not working this time?

Henry Paulson like his boss shouted Fire in a crowded theater.... and then lit a match.

Bush's speech was just a copy of his Iraq speech with words like 'wall street' inserted in the right places.Does it look like the Fear and Scare Tactics is not working this time?
I think that the lesson that Congress learned earlier was that whenever a bill is shoved into Congress that's urgent and needs immediate passage - well, that's a bill that needs a lot of careful scrutiny and serious debate - generally, it's a bad piece of legislation, as proved to be the case with this tax payer bail out.

I grudgingly give our representatives credit for this one. Does it look like the Fear and Scare Tactics is not working this time?
Well, people are going to be voting for Obama. The fear and scare tactics must be working. Because if they were using their brain. They would not be voting for either of these candidates.

However, a good man would never run for president because he wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance.
Since we're bailing out a Ponzi scheme, just send $5 to each of the names and put Paulson's name and P.O. Box number at the bottom of the list while dropping the name at the top. Remember to attach the sheet that says ';As seen on Oprah.';
It looks like your buddies at yahoo are afraid to let a conservative ask a question. I have had no less than 5 questions not allowed into the stream of questions. Censorship is alive and well on your side pal.
I guess we'll see. Warren Buffet says we're in for it if we don't act.

This will be interesting if it doesn't get too bad.
I sure hope it's not working.
it will work ,there be a game afoot in washington!!!

Its called screw the tax payers dollars!!!
you got it right

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